“Casale” is derived from Latin word casalis-casales-casalia and it means “Border land”. In fact, after a donation of Count Ugo Marino to Montecassino, Casale became the border land between San Benedetto’s lands and Venafro County. Later, the suffix "-cassinese" was added to the word Casale and its territory was annexed to Montecassino County. The history of Acquafondata and Casalcassinese is closely linked and both are always belonged to Terra of San Benedetto. Casale was feud until March 30, 1806, the day when, after the establishment of Giuseppe Bonaparte on the throne of the kingdom of Naples, the feudal system was abolished. In 1811 Viticuso became an independent village; Acquafondata and Casalcassinese were joined again under its administration. In reality, Casalcassinese was already a part of the Acquafondata village. This event was the cause of the raising of rivalry and hostility between the populations, which would have preferred to maintain the administrative independence of their villages. The law number 360, which was enacted in 1819, allowed the separation of joined villages, but the requests of two villages were refused because of the difficulties that would have been incurred as a result of a possible separation. The final splitting happened in 1902. The law of 1806 had as affect the subtraction to the Abbey of Montecassino of all its belongings. In this way, the land of Casalcassinese became public domain, although some of the lands were sold to a rich landowner of Vallerotonda. The little village knew an immigration phenomenon, coming from Vallerotonda, due to the idea of Abbey of Montecassino to repopulate this territory. The life conditions were very uncomfortable due to the climate conditions, the lack of cultivable fields, very strong fiscal pressure and banditry. The church in honor to the patron S. Antonio was built in 1856, but initially it was dedicated to S. Maria. The beginning of the Second World War and the following entrance of Italy in war with German troops had several serious consequences on the territory of Casalcassinese and in particular on its population. The so-called man hunting, undertaken by the German military in order to find men to be deported on the front, reached also our mountains. The woods were useful as shelter for families and for everybody didn’t want to be part of that great machine of destruction created during those years. After the signature of 8 September, 1943 armistice by the king Vittorio Emanuele III, the pressure of German militaries became extremely incessant and it reached the Gustav Line, too. The latter hinged on Cassino and it passed through Rome and the mountain systems of Aquilone, of Monna Acquafondata and of Monna Casale. The French troops, made of two divisions (one from Algeria and the other from Morocco), were sent as help of population with the task of stopping German advance. In this way, serious damages hit several villages without reaching the goal. The turning point arrived in 1944, when American and French expeditionary forces got there. German troops withdrew towards le Serre and the local population informed allied troops of this event. On 13 January, a furious offensive action started against the enemy troops. Moreover, in those days, the General De Gaulle reached Viticuso. The civilian population suffered a lot for German bombing and violence of African soldiers. On May 18, 1944 resulted in the final liberation of the way to Rome, because the German troops were pushed away towards the North. The names of Casalcassinese and Acquafondata‘ s sons, which gave our lives for Italy, shine in the marble eternally. The destruction of territories of Viticuso, Acquafondata and Casalcassinese was total, practically. The reconstruction was long and painful due to the lack of helps by commissioned organs. There was no water (except for a small spring some kilometers away) or electricity, the roads were destroyed, and impracticable and they caused huge damages for local economy and for the overall zone. Only in June of 1948, the habitants started to use the electricity and the first telegraph worked in October of 1950. It was under the jurisdiction of Caserta until the 1927, it passed to the jurisdiction of Frosinone, when it was declared province. Casale is the name of the village that was built after the donation to Montecassino by count Ugo in 1089 and it comes from Latin words casalis, casalia e casales. These terms were used in the measures of the lands to record the boundaries between estates. In fact, Casale was just on the border between Terra Sancti Benedicti territories and Venafro County. Then, Casale means literally “border village”. Only in a second moment, the adjective “cassinese” was added to distinguish the village from other ones with same name. With the donation of Conte Ugo of Venafro, the boundary between the Venafrana county and Cassinese one, was established clearly by a document and accepted by both parts. Before of the donation of Conte Ugo, in the years between 1018 and 1031, Venefrani Counts built a Castle after that they were pushed away from Acquafondata. They fortified to observe the movements of Normans and to try to go again in lose territory. Pietro Diacono spoke about the Castle of Casale in 1122, in one of his writings about the attack on Acquafondata, Viticuso and Casale by Pandolfo VI, Count of Venafro. In 1123 Pandolfo VI subdued himself to the abbot and then it was restored the authority of Montecassino in the area, after years of forays that devastated the Terra Sancti Benedicti. The L’Universitas civium of Casale was born in the XIII century after the habitants arriving from Vallerotonda that started to settle in the area.